32MW Yungichhu Hydropower Project
32MW Yungichhu Hydropower Project is one of the three pioneering projects launched under the first phase of the Small Hydropower Projects initiated by the Royal Government of Bhutan to accelerate post pandemic economic recovery, generate employment and bring tangible economic benefits to the people at the grassroot level. The Construction of 32MW Yungichhu Hydropower Project, Main Contract Package: MP1 - Civil Works has been executed by M/s Rigsar Construction Private Limited as per the Contract Agreement date 23 June 2022. The head works package which has been previously executed on departmental mode by DHyE deploying Desuups is now being taken up by the Company after the tragic flash flood of 20 July 2023.
Norbugang Industrial Park GIS Substation
Construction of Khuru Kuenphen Bridge

Phuntsholing Township Development CW-02A
Sephu Solar PV Power Plant